" This 1 Key Nutrient Fixes Your Gum Disease And Rebuilds Your Teeth..."



Dentafend introduces an effective three-step approach, employing a powerful all-natural formula to tackle the root causes of tooth decay and gum disease.

The Formula is Easy to Take Each Day, and it Only Uses Natural Ingredients to Get the Desired Effect.

Try Dentafend For Over 50% OFF Today!

5.0 / 1233 Reviews

Why Choose Dentafend

Made In USA
Made In USA

We take pride in formulating our Dentafend right here in the United States of America.

FDA Approved
FDA Approved

Dentafend is formulated in an FDA-registered facility that adheres to strict FDA regulations.

GMP Certified
GMP Certified

Good Manufacturing Practice certification assures pharmaceutical-grade quality.

Natural Product
100% Natural

Dentafend is gluten-free, all-natural, and non-GMO, and we are happy to state that.

What is Dentafend?

Dentafend supplement
DentaFend supplement

DentaFend gives you the most natural and cost-effective solution for rejuvenating your gums and from now on, revitalizing your teeth. From the million-dollar smile without engaging in surgeries, drugs filled with chemicals, or unpleasant tartar removal to dental implants.

In fact, it is a quite surprising fact which the oral care industry avoids pointing out: gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath are not the only consequences of negligence with oral hygiene.

So many times, even after giving assurance to brush and floss properly and on time, the problems of swollen gums, bleeding, bad smell coming from the mouth, and discolored teeth arise. In such cases, this really indicates being a wise signal for better care of teeth. Introducing DentaFend—a revolutionary product for a stronger set of teeth.

The collection contains 29 high-quality ingredients, including rare medicinal plants: fertile plains in India, Western China, European Alps, and rich South African and Kenyan plantations of this world. All these constituents have been carefully prepared and proportioned with accuracy for the maximum benefit of maintaining good dental health through intense research and laboratory tests.

Developed from breakthrough research, DentaFend gathers powerful herbs, plants, and mineral combinations in a formula that is ascertained for 100% efficacy and safety to promise noticeable improvements in dental well-being.

Real Users Of Dentafend

Sam S

"My dentist told me that I had a serious periodontal gum disease 8 months ago, but he could not explain how that appeared out of nowhere, despite my history of always having extremely good oral hygiene and no matter how polite and kind I always was with him. Endless thanks for finding your method. My gums are fine now, everything looks strong, clean, and healthy. And so are all my teeth!"
Sam S. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Tiss K

"For me, it was something like daily, taking the dose of Tic-Tacs—only the latter were pain relievers, but taking them was just a habit. I guess toothache should be one of the most dreadful pains that are possible to experience. It destroyed all my activity. I couldn't work; I could not even focus. I could not even like to have a good time with my family and friends. And now, finally, my life is back. All things go to this. Thank you so deep!"
Tiss K ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐   

Rid K

"I’ve had swollen gums all my life, but for the past year they started to bleed and recede. I have had a deep cleaning done, and I was flossing after every meal like a maniac, but it was getting worse day after day, even after the dentist reassured me it would be all right. I was desperate. Now, after adhering to your regimen, it feels like my gums have grown back and my teeth are whiter; generally, I feel "in control" over my dental health once more! Thanks very much."
Sean B. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

How Does Dentafend Works?

DentaFend works through a carefully designed three-phase mechanism to boost oral health.

First, there is a purge of the body intended to rid out toxic factors affecting the teeth and gums. After thorough and successful experimentation by mixing several combinations, formulation was done using key ingredients such as Bentonite Clay, Flaxseeds, and Oat Bran.

Bentonite clay works something like a molecular sponge, absorbing and neutralizing the accompanying impurities, bacteria, and toxic substances. Flaxseeds fight most of the dangerous toxins found in the blood and, therefore, they are responsible for supporting the process of oral regeneration by fending off dangerous bacteria. The selection of oat bran is done in such a way that, particularly, it stops the gum bleeding and inflammation, thus setting the healing process.

The second stage focuses on repairing the damaged oral structures. Black walnut, apple pectin, prune extract, and psyllium husk are the rich ingredients that carry regeneration.

The anti-inflammatory properties of the black walnut together with the anti-free radicals, and the apple pectin with the prune extract and psyllium husk all together aid in the formation of healthy gums and teeth. The last step then works to protect the oral cavity from further damage through bad bacteria and other foreign invaders that may make the results not as permanent in their nature. Lactobacillus acidophilus has been used for this, therefore, given the reputation for strengthening the immune system. These are the elements carefully picked with purpose: DentaFend treats not just present problems but reinforce mouth defenses toward the maintenance of continued wholesome oral health.

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Benefits of Using Dentafend

DentaFend, the dental capsule supplement, offers a range of potential benefits for oral health. With its unique formula, it aims to address various dental concerns and promote overall wellness. Let’s explore the benefits of DentaFend and how it can contribute to a healthier smile:
Here are the key benefits of using Dentafend:


Support for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Dentafend works in a way that will help you get strong and healthy teeth. In other words, the supplement contains ingredients that are effective in reducing gum inflammation and promoting the health of your teeth. The issues of gums like bleeding and swelling will be no more with the help of this supplement as it works on a deeper level to solve bleeding and painful gums making your life easier.

Freshens Breath

Dentafend also freshens your breath. If you have bad breath, then it can be a real turn-off for people around you. But with Dentafend, you will no longer have to worry about bad breath as it will help you get rid of it and give you fresh breath all day long. Bad breath of mouth is caused due to different reasons like eating certain foods, smoking, and not brushing your teeth properly. But with Dentafend, you will no longer have to worry about such things as it will help you get rid of bad breath and give you fresh breath all day long.

Whitens Teeth

Dentafend also works as a teeth whitener. It will help you get rid of those ugly-looking yellow spots on your teeth and give you brighter teeth. Teeth lose their color because of different reasons like drinking coffee, tea, or any other dark-colored beverage. These all can lead to teeth staining. But with Dentafend, you will no longer have to worry about such things as it will help you get whiter and brighter teeth that you always wanted.

Maintains pH Balance

Another great thing about Dentafend is that it maintains the pH balance in your mouth. A pH imbalance in the mouth can lead to different problems like bad breath, cavities, and gum disease. But with Dentafend, you can rest assured that your mouth’s pH balance will be maintained, and you will not have to deal with any of these problems.

Soothes Oral Discomfort

Dentafend also soothes oral discomfort. If you have oral discomfort, then it can be quite painful and can make it difficult for you to eat and drink. But with Dentafend, you will no longer have to worry about oral discomfort as it will help you get rid of it and give you relief from the pain. Oral discomfort is caused due to different reasons like eating certain foods, smoking, and not brushing your teeth properly. 

Reduces Inflammation

Dentafend also reduces inflammation in the gums. If you have inflamed gums, then it can be quite painful and can make it difficult for you to eat and drink. But with Dentafend, you will no longer have to worry about inflamed gums as it will help you get rid of them and give you relief from the pain. Inflammation of gums is caused due to different reasons like eating certain foods, smoking, and not brushing your teeth properly. But with Dentafend, you will no longer have to worry about such things as it will help you get rid of inflammation and give you relief from the pain.
100% Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guaranteed

We are very proud of Dentafend and the many lives it has been part of. We are so sure that you will love it that we will refund every dime if you don't, for any reason—up to one whole year from when you bought it.

Total: $594   Today Only $294

Dentafend Ingredients

The current formula of Dentafend is made up of eight main ingredients from all across the world. Each of the ingredients supports oral health in one way or another. The ingredients are listed herewith:

  • Bentonite clay:- It has been claimed that bentonite clay works somewhat like a sponge to absorb "bacteria and other pathogens in your mouth and teeth." Due to this very reason, bentonite clay is also helpful for getting rid of bad breath.
  • Flaxseed:- Flaxseed holds very strong antioxidative properties, which kill all the harmful bacteria and pathogens resting in the bloodstream. This sets free the pain, hence facilitating the rejuvenation of teeth and gums. It also contains a lignin substance that eliminates inflammation. It does appear that it can help you regulate blood sugar, as a fringe benefit.
  • Oat bran:- Oat bran has some antioxidants that act in targeting harmful bacteria colonies, preventing the future spread of these colonies. Some researched oat bran and found that it reduced gum bleeding, stopping inflammation in the deepest part of the gums.
  • Psyllium husk:- Psyllium husk has powerful anti-bacterial properties that help your body eliminate harmful bacteria from the gums.
  • Apple pectin:- Apple pectin is another of the product's compositions and is said to renew the soft tissue in the body, for example, in the gums; it is also what gives the "protective shield" to reduce damage to the gums in the future.
  • Black walnut:- The black walnut has polyphenols, which fire up the rejuvenation and healing process of gums and teeth. In one study, black walnuts were found to heal gums at a faster rate than other similar herbal extracts, such as green tea and miswak.
  • Aloe vera:- Of all the common plant compounds, it contains the highest amount of polyphenol compounds. It also has strong property healers of the gums and to prevent the build-up of bacteria by being antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial.
  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus:- Strengthen the immune system from natural probiotics for the environment to be free of toxins and lower risks of infections. Prune extract:- Like psyllium, prune extract has anti-bacterial properties that help eliminate the harmful bacteria from your gums. Dentafend also includes a natural probiotic called "lactobacillus acidophilus," which supports your immune system. This unique strain of good bacteria also helps seek out and destroy the bad bacteria in your mouth and gums.

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Frequently Asked Questions

This program offers instant action, beginning the battle against gum disease upon the first DentaFend capsule. Over 87,000 individuals have embraced this regimen, yielding remarkable outcomes. Given individual differences, response time to the program's nutrients varies—some experience results sooner, while others may require more time. Patience is key, so commit to a few weeks to witness significant transformations.

Zeneara is 100% natural, vegetarian, and non-GMO.

Yes. Your order today is a one-time payment with no auto-ship subscriptions or hidden charges.

When you're ready to pick up your package below, just hit the order button, and you'll be taken over to a 100% secure order page where you can enter your details. From there, we'll get the Dentafend sent over to your door very shortly.

We all are not the same, and hence, the time it may take for each one of us to see the results may be different. Most people who have tried it usually say that they felt a difference in their first week. For the best results, follow a regimen of taking Dentafend consistently for three months or more to be able to support and optimize your whole system. We strongly recommend going for a 3 or 6-bottle discounted package.

Each Dentafend bottle contains 60 gel capsules, easy to swallow. For optimal results, take one in the morning and one before bedtime. Can be taken with or without food, without risk of upset stomach.

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Regular Price: $99/per bottle

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